Grady has been 9 months for a little over a week now. At his check-up the nurse said he was in the 50th percentile for height and weight and the 75th percentile for head circumference. Basically, both Luke and Grady are pretty average sized kids with big heads. I've decided that it's okay to have average sized kids, mostly because it makes shopping for clothes super easy! He also has three teeth. He's got his bottom two, and one random one on the top that isn't one of his front teeth. Anyways, Grady is incredibly mobile now. He army crawled (something Luke never did) for about 2 months, but in the past couple weeks he's finally figured out how to get that big tummy of his off the floor when he crawls. I can't leave him unsupervised for even a moment. The picture above shows what happened when I left him alone outside with Luke just for a minute - he practically ate the whole backyard! He has grown incredible leery of Luke. Luke likes to take toys away from him, and now Grady has been conditioned to start screaming when he sees Luke approaching before Luke even touches him or his toy! Too funny! He really does love Luke though, and always has a smile for everyone. He has also learned to shake his head "no" and to wave bye-bye. I love this kid.
Here are his 9 month pictures.
Oh, and the chair was his great-great-great grandmother's dining room chair.
The day that I really wanted to take Grady's 9 month pictures the weather was really miserable (I'm talkin' wind gusts at 50mph!), so I decided instead of being mopey about it I would try to do some indoor shots. I challenged myself trying something new and going for that "topless, really artsy, black and white look". I got the idea for the crop of the first one from my friend Erin (hope you don't mind!). Also, I couldn't help throwing one in of Luke too.
I feel like this one just screams "Gerber baby".