My awesomely talented friend, cousin, and fellow photographer Jessie, has been doing this for a few years, and I was finally inspired enough by her to try it out too. Here is her post that she did last week.
So, without any further adieu, here is a day in our life mostly in pictures.
We had a really busy week, and I was looking forward to having Friday just to stay home and get caught up on some things around the house. I had just a few goals when I woke up Friday morning: wash the kids bedding, sweep and mop the floors, vacuum, make a lot of progress in writing my talk for church on Sunday, oh and spend some quality time with my kids. :) In a lot of ways this was a typical day, and in a lot of ways it wasn't.
Thursday night I promised Luke we'd play a game of Clue before he went to school.
Breakfast and Clue
Lately, I've been inspired by one of my favorite instagrammers Joy Prouty, to make the most of the morning time with the kids, so I've been trying to read a scripture story before Luke goes off to school.
Time to get started on that to-do list
By now it is about 8am. Ruby wakes up and the real work of the day starts. :)
Ruby loves to start her day by playing the game of throw her bunny out of her bed and have her brothers throw it back to her. <3 font="">
The first of many many many sippy cups I will fill up today.
Ty goes to work at 4:45 on Fridays, comes home a couple hours later, takes a nap, then goes back out to work. Grady decided he wanted to suprise Ty with breakfast before he went back to work. He needed a little help. :)
Before he goes back to work, Ty very kindly helps me by fixing the vaccuum which had sucked up a bobby pin and had stopped working. He had a lot of helpers.
We finish the vaccuuming. Many times throughout the day Reddic would disappear, and I would always find him in the same spot hiding from Grady and playing with his Legos. Don't worry Reddic, your secret is safe with me. :)
Grady's friend Travis comes over to play for a bit. These two are hilarious together.
It has been unseasonably cool today, so we stay outside and play for a long time.
The pomegranates are coming along nicely.
Nap time for Ruby! I love nap time.
I manage to get the floors swept while the boys played and Ruby napped, but I hear her waking up only 1 hour after I put her down for her nap. Seriosly though, what 13 month old only naps for 1 hour a day! The mopping is just not going to happen today. I sneak away and hid from my boys and eat a cup cake and pretend I can't hear Ruby in her bed, so I can get 3 solid minutes of me time.
We decided to make a few bananna chocolate chip cookies. This was Ruby's first time helping.
Luke came home from school, and I was really getting stressed that I still had nothing but ideas in my head for my talk on Sunday. I kicked the boys outside and tried to keep Ruby entertained for 30 minutes, so I could make some progress.
Afterwards, I was feeling very relieved and we somehow all ended up just playing around in Ruby's room. Reddic loves to wrestle Ruby.
Luke went to a friend's house, and I was feeling like I really needed to get out of the house, so we decided to go on a bike ride to Nana's house to get some candy. Before we went though, we had to take care of the garden.
Ty came home from work, and while the kids were outside riding bikes with him, I sneaked off to Safeway by myself to pick up dinner. I hardly ever feel like cooking of Friday nights.
"You're getting this, right mom?" Grady has mastered the wheelie.
Thank you Safeway for your $5 Friday subs. My family are fans.
Baths, PJs, Scripture, Prayer, and Bed
After the kids are in bed, I clean the kitchen, edit pictures for an hour and an half, and watch a bit of TV. I'm tired.