Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Adventures in Dining

Using absolutely no methods of torture or complicated coercion techniques, my little 1 1/2 year old ate broccoli!!!!! He didn't stop there either. Spinach, tomato, carrot, and cucumber went into his little mouth without being spit out (not very much of them, but still it counts to me). This is my little boy who hates to try new foods. It is usually a such a struggle just to get him to try a bite of the main course, that we're worn out with sweet talking and only half-heartedly encourage him to try his vegetables. Tonight was a miracle. With hardly any effort on our part he ate almost all his food. I am just so overcome with joy that I had to share this great news. This is one small step for Luke, but a giant leap for all of toddlerkind!


Savannah Williamson Photography said...

WOW you will have to figure out your secret and share it with the rest of us!!

Celeste Caldwell said...

That is so awesome! I hear ya, it sure is a challenge sometimes to get these little ones to eat. I am still struggling with that with Carter. Luke is such a cutie. I loved his Halloween pictures. I can't believe Jeffery is on his mission..CRAZY!! He'll be a fabulous missionary!

Anonymous said...

I love it when they eat their veges too!! I always put some on their trays, and sometimes they'll eat them and sometimes they won't. But it always makes my day when they do!
It was really fun seeing you at the shower! i just wish we could see more of each other!