For Labor Day weekend we went to my parent's house. It was really nice. It's amazing that I could forget how beautiful my hometown of
Pinetop-Lakeside really is, especially this time of year. I was just in awe driving around at how beautiful everything was. Luke loved being spoiled by Grandma, and Grandma loved spoiling Luke. There are definite perks to being the 1st grandchild! We went to the swimming pool where my sister Emily works as a
lifeguard. It was Grady's first time swimming. I can't say that he enjoyed it. He did stay calm if I held him close, but after about 15 minutes he was done. Luke really enjoyed it though.

I convinced my mom and little sister to file Grady's nails for me. There aren't many things I hate more than filing nails. It's like fingernails on a chalk board to me. Thanks mom and Em!
I enjoyed doing a couple laps around Woodland Lake with my mom and Grady in the stroller while Luke played with his dad and Emily at the park. The weekend went by way too fast. We'll have to go up again soon.!

On a different note, I got to take pictures of my friend's little girl. A couple weeks ago she was telling me how she was going to take her little girl to get her pictures taken for her 2
nd birthday. I said it was a good idea to take her little girl where she was planning for pictures, but then I basically begged her to let me try for free to take a few pictures of her little girl! She agreed, so last week we went and took these pictures. This was my first time ever taking pictures of someone
else's kid, and I learned a lot. It was so much fun, and as you can see she is an exceptionally cute little girl! Here's a few of my favorites.