Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Grady is really growing up lately. He's 16 months old now. His vocabulary is rapidly expanding, but the words he probably knows best are na-nee (candy, I think he is really going to love Halloween!), duce (juice), wamby (Lamby, his little stuffed friend), Du (Luke), baby, tractor, car, and he walks around saying da-doo all the time. Da-doo has lots of different meanings. He loves doing whatever Luke is doing (which means lots of fighting). Although if Luke even comes close to touching him he starts screaming like crazy! I keep telling myself that someday my kids will like eachother! Even though he has learned to throw fits, he is still the easy going kid he's been since birth. I love this kid! He just brightens our days!

I really do promise someday to start blogging about something besides pictures. That said, last week I thought to my self "It's been a long time since I took Grady out for some nice pictures." I just got him dressed, put the kids in the stroller, and headed down the road. In real life this location is really pretty ugly, but it does, in my opinion, photograph well! We didn't do anything portrait-y, but I think I might get the last one printed.


Jessie said...

He's such a good lookin' boy! It's all about those eyes and that hair. Oh, and the cheeks!

Skylar & Chanell said...

He is so cute. Love your pictures like always. Seriously, you need to come and take my family pictures sometime....I would love for you to do them. You are truly talented!!

Miriam said...

He's adorable! The colors are awesome in that last picture, those blue eyes really stand out with the yellow flowers complimenting them. Love it!

Savannah Williamson Photography said...

He is adorable. I love this age between 1 and 2. They are more independent but they still look like a baby. I think 1 year old bodies are the cutest:) And Grady is no exception, he is just so handsome.

Lacey said...

I love the one of him on the rope!! That's my favorite! I need a boy so badly!!!