Monday, April 18, 2011

New Easter Outfit!

I probably have 1,000 other things to blog about, but I took Grady out for some photos in his new Easter clothes last night and just had to share. I'm so happy! I feel like I got so many good ones of him, and we both had a lot of fun just hanging out together just the two of us! I was kind of going for a beachy feel in some of these first ones. Can you tell I took them in Thatcher?

 I love this one for two reasons. First, I think he just looks like a tough manly model, and second this is the expression he has on his face probably 90% of the day. He is quite a bit more serious than Luke.

 His favorite part was getting to play with all the rocks and sticks!


Jessie said...

He is sooo cute, Rachel! I think he looks like your dad. I want to tag along with you on a photo shoot sometime.

Jessie said...

P.S. I totally wish I had your definition of spring. :)

RiChArd and MeReDitH said...

You are such a great photographer! I can hardly tell they were taken in T-town. It does look like a beach scene. Grady is so dang cute. You should be thrilled to have another boy because you sure make cute ones!

Savannah Williamson Photography said...

Great job!! Totally impressed, I have a really hard time with Gracin!