Saturday, May 28, 2011

Growing Pains

My little boy has grown up so much lately, and I am finding myself seriously conflicted about that. He had his first T-Ball game earlier this week. (I snapped this picture before the game started. He ended up getting a different jersey right after this, one that fits him better, #12.) He'll have swimming lessons and 1 week of Karate this summer, and then start pre-school and soccer this fall.  It seems like ever since he was born I've just been waiting for this time in our lives, when Luke would be old enough to start being involved in activities with other kids. Now that we are at this point, I find myself wanting to hold him back and not send him off into the world right yet. I know this is not much, just a few hours of activities a week, and I know it will be good preparation for when he'll start all day Kindergarten in just over a year. I can't help myself just wanting to follow him around and protect him from all the hurt that comes with life. He's just so innocent, and I want him to stay that way. It breaks my heart when I see him with a group of kids his age or older, and he has something he really really wants to say, but none of the other kids acknowledge him or listen to what he has to say. I know that kids are going to be mean to him sometimes, and he's going to be the one not being nice some of the time too. I also know that he has to go through these experiences in order gain experience and learn about life. Just the thought of another kid hurting his feelings, makes me want to just wrap him in bubble wrap and keep him at home with me forever sometimes. I am thankful that he does at  least have good friends that have good parents that he loves spending time with. Deep down, I know I am more excited about him growing up, than I am fearful or sad. It's just starting to become a more of a reality than a daydream now.


Jessie said...

Oh, Rachel, you expressed it so well! Even I want to wrap him in bubblewrap and keep him safe at home. But you're right, growing up and interacting with other kids will make him an even more amazing person--much more interesting too, I'm sure! Can't wait to see your big kid in a few weeks!

Lacey said...

Just wait until he starts school- it's crazy how fast time flies then! I will have a 2nd grader!?!? Crazy!