Saturday, May 8, 2010


My mom & me on my blessing day

My grandmother always hated Mother's Day. She hated going to church and hearing all the talks about how perfect and wonderful other mothers were. Mother's Day made her feel inadequate. But there are no perfect mothers out there. Every mother is different and every child is different. All have faults. Sometimes we as mothers can be too hard on ourselves. We carry around too much "mother's guilt". There is always something we could have done better. All we can ever do is try our best, and know that we will make mistakes. I just want all you mothers out there to know that I think that you are great mothers and great examples to me. So, for one day, please forgive yourselves for not scrubbing the toilet or for loosing your patience with your child, and just enjoy the day. I know you all deserve it!

I just wanted to take a moment to say thanks to my mom. She sacrificed so much for me, and still does so much for me. She's smart. She never told me what to do, because she knew that would never work. She taught me everything by example. She taught me how to eat healthy, the importance of prayer and scripture study, and not to judge others all through her example. Through her subtle ways, she also instilled a great deal of confidence in all her children. Did you know that I could have been a doctor, or a lawyer, or even President of the United States? My mom did. She has always believed in me and supported me. Even now, as I am a mother myself, my mother is always tells me that I am doing a wonderful job at being a wife and mother. She tells me that I am doing a much better job than she ever did, but I know that isn't true. That's just the "mother's guilt" talking. I just hope that one day I'll be half as good of a mother as she has always been. Of course my mom wasn't perfect, but she was the perfect mother for me. I love you mom!

Happy Mother's Day everyone!


Lacey said...

Very Sweet Rachel. I love that picture of you and your mother-such a sweet picture! Happy Mother's Day to you too!

Jessie said...

Well said and so sweet, Rachel! I love the picture.

Savannah Williamson Photography said...

That picture is pretty special. I wish I had one like it from my blessing day. Happy mothers day to a great mother!(you)