Saturday, May 29, 2010

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Summer!!!

We've had a relatively mild Spring this year in Thatcher. It's really been quite nice. A few days this past week, we've really got a taste of the Summer heat though! I'm going to try and post more this next month. My mom and sister Emily are in Europe for a month, so I won't be able to talk to them for a whole month! They will have internet access though, and I know my mom would probably go crazy with out updates on my boys for a whole month! I'm excited that now maybe my mom will start looking at my blog finally! I love you mom!
"Bugging my little brother? -Who me? -No! Never! Just look at my sweet little angel face!"

I made a deal with Ty that I would let him do whatever he wants with Luke's hair once I finished his 3-year pictures. So off came the hair! I hope Ty won't get upset that I'm sharing this, but after he buzzed Luke's hair Ty said to me "I kind of feel bad about cutting his hair - Almost like I've robbed him of his beauty." This totally shocked me that he said that! Oh well! The hair is nice for Summer, and it will grow fast.

The first cut!

Luke checking out his new hair. It sure feels good!

Those of you that know me well, know that my favorite part about Summer is the popsicles and snow cones. I'm probably a bad mom for giving Grady popsicles so young, but they just make him so happy!

Notice the tupperware duct taped onto the ambulence? Luke was getting so frusterated that his trains would not stay on top of the ambulence, because he wanted to take his trains for a ride on the ambulence. I came up with this ingenious solution! I was pretty proud of my mothering on this one!

In September or October I bought this splash mat. I spent $3 on it, and justified my spending that I would give it to Grady for his 1st birthday. (Am I the only one out there that has to justify a $3 purchase?!) It's been so warm that I gave in and opened it early, mostly because I didn't want to go through the hassle of blowing up our inflatable pool. Luke absolutely loves it, but Grady- not so much. Luke says to me all day " I want to go play splash map".

In other news, the Safford pool opened on Friday. I was so excited, because I've planned to spend my whole Summer there. We were there just minutes after it opened. We weren't there but a few minutes before Grady started having a bad allergic reaction. Not life threatening or anything, but he immediately broke out in a rash on his face, his eyes got really red and puffy and watery, and his little nose was red and running. I called my dad, a doctor. He said it was probably an allergic reaction to the chlorine or pollen that had fallen on the water, and told me to wash him off, give him some Benadryl if I wanted, and that he'd be better in a few hours. Grady was pretty miserable for the next couple of hours until he fell asleep and his symptoms slowly disappeared. I'm pretty worried that this might happen every time I take him to a pool. He's gone swimming before twice, and has worn this sunscreen before once without any reactions. Hopefully, it won't happen again!


Savannah Williamson Photography said...

Rhylan and I were having a Popsicle the other day and Gracin just kept eyeing mine! So i let him have a bite... he finished the rest of the popsicle. so if you are a bad mom... me too! I did buy sugar free ones so...

Thanks for the advise on my family pics. I hate the sun!!!! It seems i have everyone's face in the shade and they a cloud moves or the trees blow... and it was my first time. I hope it can only get better from here right. I have to have a low starting point so I can have great improvement:) Thanks for all the complements too--Yes i made that cake. I found it in a magazine with step by step instructions.

Jessie said...

I laughed out loud when I saw Grady with his popsicle! So cute! I love summer! You're a great mommy.

mom said...

Hey Rachel! Its Emily :) Im here in Offenburg at the school right now. We just got here last night. I love looking at your blog :) and I show everyone and they think your boys are just the cutest, because they are haha. Well I talked to my boss about the swim lessons before I left and she said that I could teach Luke :) so you could probably just call anytime and set up when you want to do it, if you still want to. Id be happy to teach him :) well I will talk to you when I get back. I love you!