Tuesday, July 12, 2011

34 Weeks!!!

Well, I'm not sure why I'm sharing these. I look like a mess with no make-up, my straight-from-the swimming-pool-hair, and a doofy smile. I guess I just like them, because they are some of the rare photos of me with my kids! My boys were being so funny last night putting soccer balls under their shirts, and I just thought that they looked like me like that! I've been obviously pregnant for quite a while, but it took them both until just this week to finally notice my big belly. On Saturday Luke asked if I had a ball under my shirt, and on Sunday Grady asked if I had a big ball under my dress. I'm doing pretty good now, just hot and uncomfortable, hoping the next few weeks don't drag on too slowly!  

Love Grady in this one!


Lacey said...

Aw these are priceless! I love them and I think you look amazing! Keep it up mama! not too much longer to go!

Chrissy said...

That's so funny that they've just barely noticed. Kenzie has been laughing at me for months- lol. She'll pull up my shirt and poke at my belly button because it doesn't look normal.

Don't worry though- you look cute! Even without make up, etc (I never would have known except you mentioned it!) Only a few weeks left of being pregnant, then you'll get to hold your adorable boy! :) And, I'm happy to say, I'm RIGHT BEHIND YOU! Do you have any names picked out for him? (sorry for the novel...)

Savannah Williamson Photography said...

What sweat boys! I love that Grady is wearing his helmet:) And you look AMAZING pool hair and all!

Jessie said...

That's hilarious! haha You are ALL BELLY Rachel! You look fabulous. I was wondering when you'd comment on your pregnancy.

Celeste Caldwell said...

LOVE the pictures!! You look fabulous girl. Those boys crack me up. After I had Hadley, Carter had to make sure that SHE was his baby sister by checking my belly that it did go down. haha!! Silly kids!

Joy said...

Those are great pictures even if you do havea goofy smile! No, just kidding, you look great!