Saturday, July 9, 2011

Luke is 4!!!

So, okay he has been 4 for a while now, but I am finally getting around to sharing his 4-year-old pictures. I took him out 2 separate days. The first day he was in such a bad mood, and I just couldn't get him happy for anything. We went home after that, and he threw up. That explained his not feeling very good, so I decided to try again a couple of days later with much better results. Some of the photos are from the 1st day and some are from the 2nd, in no particular order.
I love this kid! He never ceases to surprise me with how kind, empathetic, and sensitive he can be and also with the depth of his understanding. He's a good big brother, most of the time, and he loves his mom and dad. He has recently discovered the ipod and computer games. He would play all day if I let him. He knows how to navigate around Ty's ipod better than I do! He loves swimming, and every time we go he spends the whole time practicing his swimming. I still have to watch him pretty closely, but my goal is that next year he will start learning strokes and be able to really swim in water that is deeper than he is tall. He also loves doing karate. Having known nothing about karate before this summer, I have been really impressed with the karate program in town.  Of course he still loves playing with cars and building with his Thomas the Train tracks. I think he is a pretty good looking kid to, but I'm probably biased. I love this kid and couldn't imagine my life without him. I'm excited for what this next year will bring!









 I've been trying to embrace more photos of him not looking at the camera lately. Looking at the camera does not come naturally to him, so instead of trying to force it with this session I just let him do his thing. I would ask him to look at the camera, and below is an example of what he would do, so I just went with it. I think this picture really shows his personality. It has taken me a long time, but I think I'm finally starting to understand what I need to do with my kids to get pictures that I'll love when I take them out for sessions.



 How did I get such a big smile in this next photo? I told him honestly that it would be the last photo of the day! I love his big bright always shining eyes! After this photo we went and got a special treat together.



Erin said...

So. Freaking. Cute. I think #12 is my favorite!

Lacey said...

Is it wrong to call a boy beautiful? Because really he is stunning!! 4 is such a fun age!

Jessie said...

1 4 6 7 10 12 They're all so good! Luke is without a doubt a good lookin kid with lots of personality!

I agree. I've been wanting to learn to shoot more "lifestyle" photos too--what life/family is really like.

Jeremy and Cindy said...

He is so cute and posed so well for those pictures. I guess it helps that you are such and awesome photographer and have a way of catching the best moments.

Joy said...

What a cute sweet boy! Great pictures.