Sunday, September 7, 2008

Adventures in Mothering

So... As I was giving Luke a bath tonight the grossest thing happened. He pooped in the tub!!! Disgusting!!! This is something he has never done before. He was quite suprised by it too. Right after it happened, he saw it floating next to him and he started to cry. (I probally would have cried too had this happened to me!) I got him out and gave him to Ty to clean him off, then I set out to clean and steralize the tub and toys. First off, I called my mom. In all the stories she had recounted over the years from raising all 5 of us kids I remembered her talking about how my little sister used to poop in the tub when she was a baby "all the time". What's really gross was that I was usually in the same tub with her when she would do it. She explained the best way from her experience how to clean it, and it was a very disgusting process. At least now I have a very clean and sterile tub! This was the worst clean-up I've had to do since he was a newborn. When he was about 1 1/2 weeks old at about 2 a.m. I was changing his diaper and lifted up his legs to wipe him. All of a sudden poop shot out 4 feet out of this little tiny baby. No lie. No exaggeration. It was all over the floor and walls, at 2 a.m.. Anyways, I'm sure many more disgusting messes to be cleaned up lie in my future.


Savannah Williamson Photography said...

SOOOO SORRRY i have been worried many times that would happen to me...when it does i will call you. I also remember you telling me the other poop story I thought it was funny because i know what you mean!!gross.

Chantel said...

Well I am glad we didn't end up coming over to use your tub after all :) That would have made things way more interesting!! Sorry. Sounds like you had just as frustrating of a night as me. Motherhood is so full of surprises!!

Anonymous said...

Yep!! Thats an adventure for sure!! Coby and Chloe have done this a couple of times, and it's the worst!! If makes you feel better, today I was getting the twins ready for bath. I had Chloe already undressed and waiting while I undressed Coby. I turned around to go put them in the bath and she had pooped on the floor. Lukily it was tiny and hard, so it wasn't horrible. But still not fun!!

Quinn said...

I have a similar experience that happened just a few weeks ago. I actually have a blog about it if you care to find out what gross thing Franklin did (it's titled A funny thing happenend . . .) Yep, those poop stories will be great to tell them to their spouses when their older. Oh the embarrassment all parents can inflict!

Savannah Williamson Photography said...

Hey I am turning my page private, give me your e-mail address and I can add your blog to our list!!