Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fun with Photoshop

Last night I felt really guilty as I sat and played with my pictures on the computer while watching about the destruction in Haiti. Those people are suffering so much, and life just goes on like normal at my house. Realistically, I know that there is nothing I can do for them besides pray for them. I just felt bad that I would spend my time doing something so frivolous while there is so much suffering. I guess it's another reminder about what is important in life.

That being said I just wanted to share one more 6 month picture of Grady. I was feeling really creative and wanted to try doing something a little more trendy in Photoshop. This is what I came up with. I wasn't going for realistic. I wanted to make it look like it wasn't taken against a boring wall in my house. I included the original uneditited version, just incase anyone wondered what it looked like. Let me know what you think!

P.S. Aren't his little rolls just too cute!!!


Ginny said...

sooo cute!!! it really looks awesome! how did you make the wall have that background?? it's amazing how a picture can go from normal to professional with a little bit of photo shop love!

Savannah Williamson Photography said...

IT looks great! And yes i do think his little rolls are cute!

Jessie said...

So well done! Where do you learn this stuff?!? I'm still so overwhelmed... it took me 5 minutes to find that stupid burn tool on my computer last night. Oh well. :) You definitely have a talent, I must say. And Grady is the cutest model.

Lacey said...

Awesome job- he is such a cutie. I especially love #2 with the wallpaper added!

Lacey said...

P.S- Will you shoot me an email with the steps you took to do this? Is it an action you used or did you do your own recipe? I want to try it!! Photoshop is so addicting!

Jessie said...

diddo to lacey

Savannah Williamson Photography said...

Also I would like to blogstalk you but your blog is private. So if you would like to be stalked please invite me to view your blog. My email is

--this is from my sister Tiffany

Heidi Joncas said...

These are great. And he has such cute little rolls.