Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Best Part of My Days

Is definitely just spending time with my boys! Here's a few snaps from what we've been doing lately! Enjoy!

We recently got out our little jumper for Grady. He absolutely loves it! I'm amazed at the air he can get in that thing, especially when he gets excited! Have I mentioned that he's started saying mama? It's true! I'm pretty sure he knows what it means too! I couldn't be happier, because Luke's first word was dog!

Luke and Banana Man. This was my attempt at trying to make healthy food more fun. He has a love/hate relationship with every fruit known to man. One day it will be all that he wants to eat, and then the very next day he wouldn't touch it with a 10 ft. pole! He loved Banana Man, but I think he only took 1 bite. Oh well!

Luke counting. We're working on it!

Grady's very first bubble bath! He didn't like the bubbles. Usually he loves his baths, but not this time. Luke, on the other hand, really enjoyed this bath with the bubbles. Since we've been bathing him with Grady (for about 4 months now) he had stopped liking bath time. It was hard convincing him to get out when we had the bubbles though.

I really wish I saw this expression of Luke's a lot less than I do. Oh well, I guess that's why they call them the terrible two's!

These next pictures I just really liked. They were taken in our home, at the park, and in our back yard.

This is one of my most favorite pictures right now. That's why I saved it for last! Luke holding tight onto my leg not letting me go anywhere. Sometimes it drives me crazy when he does this, but I know he's just a little boy that wants my attention and this stage won't last forever!


Jessie said...

You're such a good mommy! I love all the beautiful pictures of the "little things". I think I'd swallow Banana Man whole!

P.S. How do you run the noise reduction in Digital Photo Professional?

Celeste Caldwell said...

You take such great pictures Rach!! Your boys are so handsome. I wish we could have our boys play together. How fun would that be? It's crazy how fast our kiddos are growing up.. *tear*. You need to come visit and take some cute pics of my boys. You sure have a great talent girl!!

Matt and Megan said...

I love the pics!! Terrible 2s is awful. and banana man is so cute!!

Savannah Williamson Photography said...

your boys are so cUte rachel!!! The other day i heard the song "it won't be like this for long" its a country song, have u heard it? well i just thought the saME THING, i BETTER JUST ENJOY MY KIDS NOW befor its over. sorry typing with 1 hand:)

Erin said...

Aww. I love that last picture! What type of camera do you have? I've wanted one forever, and have never been able to afford one (and probably still won't), but it's nice to know what people like!