Monday, February 22, 2010

A Bit of Honesty

Whether you think you know me pretty well or not, you'll probally learn something new about me from this post. Maybe you'll know me a little too well after this! My cousin Jessie tagged me, so now I'm going to write 10 honest confecessions about myself. This should be fun, challenging, and emberassing all rolled into one!

1. I've always wanted to be a doctor. My dad's a doctor, and for as far back as I can remember I've wanted to be a doctor too. When I was around 4-years-old, my mom found me and the little neighbor boy playing doctor together, behind closed doors, mostly naked! I used to fill my pockets with cotton balls, band-aids, and other random medical supplies that I found around our house as a kid so I would be prepared in case anyone ever got hurt. I've always loved wandering around hospitals. One of the hardest things about becoming a mother and wife, was realizing that I would not be able to realize all my dreams. I could have tried to be a doctor and a mom, but I learned that it was the right decision for me to focus my attention on being a mom.

2. I talk to myself. I'm sure everyone has talked to themselves at one time or another, but I'm really bad. I've walked by people in public places talking out loud to myself. It was especally bad while I was in college and stressed all the time. Now at home, Ty will call to me from another room and jokingly ask "Rachel, who's in that room with you?". I have had 100s of conversations with myself out loud about how I need to stop talking to myself. (Just for clarifacation, I've never heard any other voices in my head besides my own! Yet!)

3. When I was about 4 and my little sister was about 2 I stuck her in the dryer and turned it on. I immediately felt horrible and let her out. ( I really hope my kids take more after my husband than me!)

4. Ty and I only own about 20 DVDs (most of them were gifts), and we've only watched about half of them! We're just not movie people. We never went on a date to the movies until we had been married for about 6 months!

5. I graduated from ASU with a 4.12 GPA. Through out all 4 years of college I never got any grade below an A, not even an -A. I have to give credit where credit is due though, I know I was blessed because I never did any homework on Sundays.

6. I cried myself to sleep almost every night in 7th grade and a lot of nights in 8th and 9th grade too. I didn't have many friends, no friends that I would have considered close. I also felt the cruelty of how mean some kids can be at that age. I suffered from pretty bad social anxiety too, and was known as the girl that didn't talk. I've outgrown most of it now, but inside I'm still that really shy and akward girl. All of this taught me that the Savior is still there for me when I feel alone, and that nobody knows what it feels like to be alone more than He does.

7. I'm ridiculously competitive. There's nothing I love more than playing games. My competitiveness has a real down side too, because things that shouldn't be competitive are competitive to me.

8. I hate scrapbooking!  You would think that since I love pictures so much that I would love scrapbooking too. No! I've discovered that online scrapbooking isn't quite so bad though.

9. I threw-up 3 times my first time going through the temple. I had been fasting all day, and I think that was the cause. I was sitting there, then all of a sudden I started to get really weak and pale. I even threw-up into one of the nice temple workers hands! I'm a lot more careful when I fast now!

10. I love dirt! I wouldn't mind being covered in mud from head to toe. When I worked at the plant nursery, I loved planting things with my bare hands - no shovels or gloves.

 I'm not going to tag anyone. I love being tagged, but I hate tagging people. I really just don't want anyone to feel bad because they didn't get tagged. If you've read this and want to be tagged, just consider your self tagged please!


chad and lemae said...

Don't worry I talk to my self too (it is more just thinking out loud). Chad makes fun of me all the time!

Lauren said...

This is hilarious Rachel! I love knowing these things about you. Jessie tagged me too and I think it's taken me 3 or 4 days just to come up with stuff...and maybe you want to get your head checked know with the voices and all, it does run in the family jk jk

Jessie said...

I LOVED this! Thanks, Rachel! I think you'll always be your kids' most concerned doctor: you get to fix all those boos boos! And I think we all talk to ourselves, out loud or not! I make faces when I'm having a personal conversation. haha I wish we lived closer in middle school! I was the new girl and felt much the same way a lot of the time. I'm glad we never have to live through that again!

Jessie said...

P.S. Bron and I can't play boardgames anymore cuz I'll throw a fit when I don't win. haha

Savannah Williamson Photography said...

I did learn somethings! I didn't know about the little Dr. in you:) I DID know about you talking to your self, i guess that's because we have been best friend forever and roommates! Jr. and Senior year were better right? I mean, we had a lunch date every single day! TOGETHER we were pretty exclusive... oops. remember you drove Jr year and I drove Sr yr? Yeah high school got better towards the end. But of course it could never compare to EAC.

Anonymous said...

I love dirt too, I HATE scrapbooking, and I am/was the awkward kid in middle school too! We should really get together and hang out sometime, we have so much in common!