On Friday, Reddic turned 6 months, and to most mommy photographers like myself that means one thing - PHOTOSHOOT! Haha! I wanted to do something special, because 6 months is kind of a big deal. I'd wanted to do the whole "fake bed" set up since Grady was a baby. I didn't have the white comforter though, and I was too cheap to go and buy one. I just stuck to taking Grady's pictures outside. Somewhere over the past two years though, I've discovered that I am really drawn to photos of babies indoors, more than I am of babies outdoors. I guess it just seems like more of their natural habitat to me. That is just my personal taste though. I was so over joyed when I found this comforter at my parent's house recently. I think Reddic is just starting to get old enough that I'd really like some outdoors pictures of him now though. Yay for more photoshoots! :) Anyways most of you probably already saw this photo on facebook. Here is a little of the behind the scenes action.
*disclaimer* - I'm just speaking from my personal experiences here, not as any sort of expert on the subject. Nor do I claim that my pictures are perfect, I just like them as a mom. :)
My pull-back shot. :) I was so proud of myself that I thought to turn my kitchen table upside-down and use it as the "headboard".
So here's the truth. Reddic can't really sit up. Actually he has just barely started rolling over. He's just our fat and happy blob. He is close to sitting, but he usually only stays up for about 30 seconds. There was a lot of me getting him into place and hurrying as fast as I could to get my shot before he tipped over. Don't worry, he was on top of a comfy mattress and he actually thought it was quite fun to fall over. :) I got lots of pictures like these.
Just for fun, here are two more of my favorites.
For all the fun stats, Reddic has 2 teeth already. He is definitely our earliest teeth-getter. He also weighed an even 19lbs. at the doctor's office a few days before he turned 6 months. That makes him our fattest baby ever too. We love this little guy. He is just so happy all the time. He is so quick to laugh and smile. He is also has a very easy-going personality. He is so much like Luke and Grady, and yet so different at the same time.
One other thing I have learned being my kid's personal photographer, is that everytime I look at a picture of my kids that I took, I'm not just reminded of what they looked like at that particular age, I'm reminded of the great memories we made that day doing our little photoshoot together.
Okay, one more just for fun.
My little milk addict. -and yes I just took down our Valentine's Day decorations just yesterday.